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Amérique latine transrégionale

16 of February of 2021 3.00pm (french time)

Presentation of the conferences cycle :

This conferences cycle offers a series of crossovers between the themes of the German Centre for Art History (DFK Paris), such as architecture, transculturality, art and political science and digital arts with specifically Latin American questions. The aim is to create a dialogue between these lines of research of the institute and the various themes related to the history of art in Latin America, past and present. This event is part of the “Travelling Art Histories. Trans-regional networks between Latin America and Europe” launched by Lena Bader and Thomas Kirchner.

Conception : Laura Karp Lugo (University of Lorraine), 

Elodie Vaudry (German Centre for Art History DFK Paris)

Within the Smells of History

Within the Smells of History connects the personal and collective experience of history to the olfactory sense, as smell awakens the memory of lived experiences. Within the Smells of History is also the title of my latest installation in which I have inserted conceptual smells into twenty military cannons from the collection of the Museu Histórico Nacional in Rio de Janeiro, creating olfactory time tunnels between the era of European colonization to the present social and political life in Brazil. 

Josely Carvalho, Brazilian multimedia artist, poet, and activist, lives and works in New York City and Rio de Janeiro. She is a recipient of the 2019 Art and Olfaction Sadakichi Award for Experimental Work with Scent and most recently exhibited Diary of Smells: Affectio at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes in Rio de Janeiro. In 2017, she was a part of the traveling exhibit Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, CA. She has been awarded grants and residencies from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation; Creative Capital Foundation; Rockefeller Foundation`s Bellagio Center, Italy; the National Endowment for the Arts, and more. Carvalho’s monograph Diary of Images,was published in 2018 by Contra Capa Editora, Visit her website to learn more. 

Moderator: Lara DemoriMarcello Rumma in Contemporary Italian Art au Philadelphia Museum of Art

Registration Zoom :

More information :érences-2021-amérique-latine-transrégionale-2787.html


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evaudry (January 28, 2021). Amérique latine transrégionale. Transregional Latin America Network. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

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