The World Pictures : Universal Exhibitions and Photography. Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Alejandra Uslenghi (Northwestern University) response by Dr. Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle (Ibero-American Institute Berlin)

12 September 2023, 6 pm c.t. Medienhaus, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, 10823 Berlin hybrid via webex: World Fairs were highly constructed events that sought to represent the entire world in a single fairground, resourcing to all...

Art and Power School

International Workshop The Art and Power School is part of the Project Art and Power: Decolonizing Art History, which addresses the need to identify and analyze visual regimes and to critically reflect on the...

Us et abus des objets amérindiens : Discours, pratiques de collection et réseaux de connaissances entre l’Europe et l’Amérique latine (XIX-XXème siècles)

    Horaire et location:Vendredi, 31 mars 20239h30 – 18h00Maison des Sciences de l’Homme en Bretagne (Salle 005) Organisation:Andrés Castro Roldán (Université Rennes 2),Daniel García (Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano Aujourd’hui, la réflexion sur les...

2023 Taoyuan International Art Award

The 2023 Taoyuan International Art Award (TIAA), organised by Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts (TMoFA), Taiwan, selected 15 finalists in last June to participate in the exhibition and compete the awards. The selected artworks...

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